ACJS External Program Reviewer Training and Certification (pre-registration required)


ACJS External Program Reviewer Training and Certification (pre-registration required)


College and university programs typically must undergo self-studies with the assistance of an external reviewer.  ACJS is the only criminal justice academic organization with quality academic standards for higher education. These standards can serve as a template for self-studies for AA/AS, BA/BS, and MA/MS programs. This three-hour training will teach senior-level (associate professor and above) faculty how to conduct program reviews using the ACJS standards. Participants will learn about the new ACJS Program Endorsement that programs can earn if they use the ACJS standards as their program review template and provide evidence that they meet at least 85% of the standards. 

The training will be Wednesday, June 5, 2:15-5:15pm

Participants will become certified reviewers for ACJS.

This session is limited to 30 participants.

Conference Registration is required.

Only 23 available
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